Managing pain is fine. Solving the problems is a lot better

Treating symptoms is easy. Treating the cause of joint pain takes skill and expertise. Orbit gives individuals the tools and resources they need to keep joint pain away — for good.


Since you are here, you’re likely aware that back and joint pain are top of the list of most common causes for lost-time at work in the US. We love telling employers that this doesn’t need to be the case. Our customers see it every day.
Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Easy integration

Launch quickly, without hassle. We’ll do the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Claims Analysis (BRIAnSM)

Our proprietary claims analytics tool will help you save by targeting our solution to those who need it most.

Orbit Telehealth Inc.


Employees who feel better, do better. Don’t let pain interfere with getting the job done.

People with joint pain don't want another quick fix — they want a solution. Don't make it complicated. Give them Orbit.

By focusing on the root of the problem, our users become their own experts in overcoming episodic pain. Make your employees experts today.

People with joint pain don't want another quick fix — they want a solution. Don't make it complicated. Give them Orbit.

By focusing on the root of the problem, our users become their own experts in overcoming episodic pain. Make your employees experts today.

Health Plans
The average joint pain-related claim costs as much as a luxury vacation. Orbit’s effective, proven solution costs less than a nice dinner out.
Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Greater Return

Our customers save on their MSK spend. How does 2:1 ROI sound?

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

MSK Spend

Back and joint pain are America’s biggest MSK spends at $132B per year.

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Care Continuum

We integrate seamlessly into existing offerings to complete your care continuum.

We all know the traditional route of treating joint pain is complicated, expensive, and often, ineffective.

Find out why thousands of companies already trust Orbit to improve their employee’s lives.

We all know the traditional route of treating joint pain is complicated, expensive, and often, ineffective.

Find out why thousands of companies already trust Orbit to improve their employee’s lives.


Surgery and painkillers address the painful symptoms associated with unhealthy joints, but do little to deal with the underlying issues causing them. That’s fine if you love paying for expensive and ongoing treatments, but then you probably wouldn’t be here.

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Big Problem

132 Million adults in the US will experience back or joint pain this year

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Workplace Liability

1/3 of the American workforce will experience back or joint pain each year

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Not just MSK

Behavioral health experts say pain is the #1 most common comorbid condition with clients

Orbit Telehealth Inc.

Proven Solution

Orbit is available to millions of members via our trusted partners

Have questions? Contact us.

Telehealth solution for back and joint pain


Our Approach


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